Newborn Mommy
The hot new trend on the market! We live in such a busy society it seems that there isn’t much time to meet your significant other behind closed doors anymore!
Romantic times and thoughts of creating the pitter patter of little feet have been pushed to the side by Blackberries, cell phones and 70 hour work weeks.
Who would have ever thought that it would come to this? The “honeymoon” once touted to newlyweds as the quiet , romantic escape that in decades past would lead to the making of a family has now been the precursor to set the tone for our busy lives. With that new life of wants, like grand homes, big kid toys and luxuries our parents never would see, comes the stress and limited time that we had envisioned we would spend with our spouse.
The new phase of “babymoons” are packages to weekend or weeklong destinations tp promote romance, stress relief and hopefully prepare the couple for the next phase in their life. Sleepless nights, little people toys, educational expenses, extra curricular activites, PTA meetings, class trips, school volunteers and any of the traveling sports !
So we relieved our stress for that all important baby making weekend, only to replace it with a whole different kind of stress.
I raise two questions. One, Did we just trade one stresser for another? And two, if we didn’t have enough time to make a baby without taking a special, bells and whistles, vacation to remind us how to…you know, then, do we have time to raise these children that we just brought into this world?
Give us your feedback?