Friday, September 7, 2007

Sir Poops Alot

Butt(:) he's not!

We had dubbed our newest child "Sir Poops Alot" on his birth announcement.
The other 4 kids were amazed(as were Mom and Dad) at the amount of diapers this child could fill.
Nursed babies usually go...what goes in must come out. Since he's "on demand" in his feeding it went without saying. Until a week ago. He went nearly 6 days(at 10 weeks old) without going poo. Bummer, as was the screaming.
We tried gas relieverslike Gas -X for babies(since we thought by the odor and sound that there had to be something in those diapers! only to be disappointed upon changing!
When I took him to the doctor who somewhat suggested that it could be indicitive of lactose intolerance.
I tried a little soy formula after his suppository(which had my husband barely able to stand) and he took it down like he was starving!
Still no poo ..
Then 3 days later wahoo! On his own!
Still, we are not sure of the culprit. I think it's more that Mommy runs around too much during the day...not enough rest, water, relaxation and maybe my milk just tastes funny. He nurses fine at night.
Yesterday was a good day, but he still need an ounce of formula at about 6pm.
No poo today

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